“Racing Around The World Alone” Movienight Fundraiser November 26 @ 1900H

Racing Around the World is the story of the 2008-2009 Vendée Globe race. 30 skippers, including Canadian Derek Hatfield, embark on a quest to be the fastest to sail 27,000 miles around the world, non-stop, without assistance and alone on 60 foot sailboats. This is one of the most extreme challenges a human being can face. The sailors are alone at sea for months and physical and emotional strength are essential. Growlers (icebergs), sea mammals, and massive waves are a constant danger. On any day the forces of nature can bring an end to the best sailor’s well made plans. They harness the wind, hope for safe passage over the sea and push hard to win. They are a testament to the audacity of the human spirit.
This event is a fundraiser for the Northwest Youth Racing Team, consisting of 14-year-old Jericho member Calum Macdonald and three Vancouver high school-age team mates. The young sailors have been invited to race an Elliott 7-metre keelboat in the Harken International Junior Match Racing Championships in Auckland in late February. The team has been training and fund-raising enthusiastically in order to be the first junior match racing team from Western Canada to compete internationally. Please come and show your support, and take in a great sailing movie at the same time. Suggested donation $10. For more info on the team visit their website at
www.northwestyouthracing.ca .
Racing Around the World was produced by WInd Athletes Canada and is shown with their kind permission. More information on the movie is available at
http://www.sailingaroundtheworld.tv .