Letter of the Week – Member Thanks Jericho Community

Dear Mike, it would be lovely if you could include our note in the newsletter.

My wife Winnie, our friend Neale and I want to thank Jericho Rescue and this amazing community for rescuing us after our capsize July 14.This was my first capsize ever in 25 years. When the Wayfarer turned turtle the centreboard slipped and did not protrude from the hull so I could not right the boat. Passing boats, Jericho Rescue and the Coast Guard immediately came to our assistance and got us ashore. Mike Cotter in the Jericho Rescue Boat towed my Wayfarer upside down and others helped right it and when near shore bailed it out. Lou (Parsons photo below) and other amazing volunteers got the remaining water out and hefted it onto its dolly. We are amazed at the skill and dedication of this community and most grateful to Jericho Sailing Centre. We are safe and sound and the boat and all our belongings are intact. (Got to fix the seal on the forward hatch, and rig a cord to hold the centreboard down, though). We can’t wait to get out sailing again!

Colin Miles member since about 1987


Lou Parsons, (left at the helm of Jericho Marks shown with fellow Jericho Rescue Team member Mike Parks), had arrived early for Tuesday evening rescue training July 14th when he saw Colin’s Wayfarer being towed to shore and didn’t hesitate to jump in to help land & bail the swamped boat. Thanks to the Hobie sailor’s who were standing at the shoreline and also demonstrated their community spirit by helping out. Thanks also to the CCG #506 Deadman Island crew who assisted.