Join the Crew! JSCA Committee Season
The 2015/2016 JSCA Board met for the first time last Tuesday night, elected their Executive (President, Chris Stairs; Vice-president, Tony Martin; Treasurer, Brian Hunt; Executive Secretary, Jeri Griffith) and established the initial Committee Meeting Schedule. All JSCA members are encouraged to participate on the committees to help us ensure that the JSCA best serves the needs of all members. If you are unable to personally attend but have some ideas you’d like to see happen please email me and I will take them to the appropriate committee meeting. The following is a list of JSCA standing committees and a summary of their functions:
PROGRAMMES COMMITTEE (Annual Event Planning Meeting November 24 @ 1900H)
To plan J.S.C.A. Special Events and racing schedule. To oversee all aspects of racing at J.S.C.A . To oversee the production of the J.S.C.A. newsletter to ensure it is produced and distributed with reasonable frequency and adequate quality. To oversee the development and maintenance of the JSCA website.
OPERATIONS COMMITTEE (Next Meeting November 17 @ 1900H) To serve as the Jericho Sailing Centre’s Technical Maintenance Committee for the building, compound, ramps and beaches. To consider requests for annual allocation and restricted use of club/meeting rooms, craft storage, and locker space. To receive and consider members’ appeals of administration decisions in reference to storage and space allocation, and make recommendations to the Board.
SAFETY COMMITTEE (Next Meeting November 17 @ 1700H)
To oversee the operation and maintenance of all J.S.C.A. power craft and accessory equipment. Be responsible for training and testing all operators of J.S.C.A. power craft. Oversee the Jericho Rescue Team Program. To maintain a safety conscious atmosphere for J.S.C.A. users, both on the water and in/around the compound.
PLANNING COMMITTEE (Next Meeting November 25 @ 1900H)
To provide a structure for the on-going function and development of the physical plant of the Jericho Sailing Centre Association.
Upcoming JSCA Board Meetings:
Tuesdays: December 8; January 26; February 16; all @ 1900H