Winter Waning, Really! 2017 JSCA Fees Due April 1

Despite snow laced weather forecasts spring is about to be sprung again in Vancouver, so don’t forget  that your 2017 Jericho Sailing Centre Association Membership and Storage fees are due April 1, 2017. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, debit or credit in person during office hours 0930-1800H 7 days a week. Credit card payments can be made by phone (604) 224-4566.

Please don’t pay late! A late fee of $30 will apply to fees paid between April 2-30; a $60 late fee will be applied to late payments received during the month of May, and after that things go from bad to worse and your ship could end up on the craggy rocks of our annual bailiff auction. If you are planning not to store your craft at the Jericho Sailing Centre this year please ensure that you vacate by March 31 and notify the JSCA office so we may bring boats in from our waiting list. Bailiff Auction of unpaid craft July 29 @ Noon.

Many thanks to all of the members who have already paid their fees and included a donation to the JSCA in the bottom section of their invoice.

Member key locks change on April 1. Keys are available to current members for $6.