World Oceans Day Thursday June 8

World Oceans Day is a time to remember we are all connected to the oceans no matter where we live, no matter how far from the coast. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, along with other organizations from across the globe, seeks to raise awareness of the benefits and value of our oceans and the current challenges they face. Celebrate the life-giving role of oceans and take part in stewardship events and activities in your community from coast to coast to coast.

This year’s theme is “Our Oceans: Our Future” with a focus on reducing plastic waste that can harmfully affect the many different species that call our oceans home.
The Government of Canada proposed the concept of World Oceans Day at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the day has been celebrated internationally ever since. As of 2009, June 8 has been officially declared by the United Nations as “World Oceans Day”.