Jericho Catamaran Classic THIS WEEKEND June 17 & 18

Every year around this time pods of Hobies, Nacras and other stray cats migrate back to the Jericho Sailing Centre for what is now known as the Jericho Catamaran Classic, one of the most popular events on the Pacific Northwest cat race tour.
This Saturday & Sunday, Jericho’s Safety/Racing Officer, Mike Wang, will attempt to herd these cats around an exciting race course on English Bay. There will be plenty of hissing and scratching; yeowling, spitting and arching of backs; it will be a wet and wild cat fight. The fur (and hulls) will fly and in the end, one crew from each class will be the cats’ meow.

For more information on the 2017 Jericho Catamaran Classic chase your mouse over to:
Jericho Beach Kitty Litter
There will be no regular Sunday Racing this weekend – SR returns June 25 @ 1230H