Jericho Paddling Club Outrigger Canoe Blessing this Sunday

We are very honoured to have Uncle Boy Chun Fook, Auntie Brenda Chun Fook, and Uncle Paul Aio from the Kikaha o Ke Kai Outrigger Club join us and perform the blessing ceremony for our new Unllimited OC6. This will be a very special event for Jericho and for the paddling community at large in Vancouver! Ceremony starts at 11:00 amSunday February 18th, please arrive early! 

Everyone is welcome! Bring your family, friends, fellow paddlers from other clubs! We would love to share this moment with the community! Everyone will participate in the chants! We will have copies of the chants to hand out.

To respect traditions, there are a few requirements in place:

  • No talking during the formal part of the ceremony, except to participate in the chants. 
  • Cameras are welcome, but photographers can not be between the people doing the blessing and the canoe, and photographers must not enter the water. We would love to have some photos and video of the ceremony so we do encourage some people to take photos!
  • Dogs may not be present at the ceremony. If you would like to have your dog with you that day, please watch from outside the ceremony area. We will be on the beach between the east ramp and stone breakwater, you can watch with your dog from the ramp or breakwater, just please not on the beach.

We will have a social reception in the members’ lounge after the blessing, refreshments will be provided. Please joins us for this very special event as we welcome our new wa’a to the Jericho Ohana!


1. Early morning we will rig and clean up canoe before blessing.
2. We will place canoe outside the gate on the beach facing the water so everyone can be part of the blessing
3. The Canoe `Ohana (Family/Club) and witnesses gather for the blessing around the canoe.
4. Uncle Boy will say prayer before our blessing to thank Akua for this day of blessing our new Va’a.
5. From this point on there is no talking – everyone’s focus is on the blessing ceremony. Dogs are not to be present during a wa’a blessing.
6. The sounding of the Pu (Kani Ka Pu). Pu is sounded 3 times in each direction North, East, South, West. This is optional if we cannot find a Pu Blower
7. Pa’akai is offered to all attending and witnessing the blessing to begin the purification process. A small pinch is placed under the tongue. (We will need Hawaiian Salt for all who will be witnessing this Blessing.)
8. The gathering: At the sound of the Pu, All will form a procession to the beach for the blessing ceremony. (All paddlers to have their paddle in hand – Lau (blade) up)
9. Never should a photographer/videographer place themselves between the blessing facilitators and the wa’a and never enter the water during the ceremony.
10. Uncle Paul will conduct the Blessing with a prayer then spreading of salt water on the nose, seats, ama, iako, back of canoe then all of paddlers and witnesses of the blessing. Chanting of E Ho Mai 3X will then be chanted
11. After prayers and chant is done we will carry canoe down to the dock placing the taller guys on the Iako and Ama. Place canoe nose in 1st and moved to the side for selected paddlers to get in.
12. Canoe is then paddled into the bay, face canoe towards the beach and place offering into the water from the ama side. All paddlers will then hold paddles up and we will chant I Ku Mau Mau 3X’s the paddlers will head back to the beach while I Ku Mau Mau is being chanted till canoe reaches the beach.
13. When the canoe reaches the beach, paddlers disembark standing alongside the wa’a with hoe held lau up. Uncle Paul will then with remaining Pikai is poured over the bow of the canoe with manifestation prayers that invite the spirit of the tree to reside with the spirit of the water.
14. The canoe is then brought out of the water and placed on the beach by the paddlers and other club members to assist. A proclamation is made to the Canoe `Ohana as to the outcome of the blessing and their continued responsibilities to the wa’a is called to their attention. Anyone with Wa’a Mana’o can do this.


E Hō Mai (Grant Us)
Anake Edith Kanakaole
E hō mai ka ‘ike mai luna mai ē
(Grant us knowledge from above)
‘O nā mea huna no’eau o nā mele ē
(The things of wisdom hidden in the chants)
E hō mai, e hō mai, e hō mai ē
(Grant it to us, grant it to us, grant it to us)

I Ku Mau Mau
Alaka’i: I ku mau mau                   Leader: Stand up together
Pane:   I ku wa                             Response: Stand and shout    
Alaka’i: I ku mau mau                   Leader: Stand together      

     I ku huluhulu                                  Haul with all your might             
    I ka lanawao                                   Under the mighty trees

Pane: I ku wa                                Response: Stand at intervals   
Alaka’i: I ku lanawao                     Leader: Stand up among the tall forest trees 
Pane:   I ku wa                              Response: Stand at intervals            
            I ku wa huki                                        Stand at intervals and pull             
            I ku wa ko                                           Stand at intervals and haul           
            I ku wa a mau                                     Stand in place and haul 
           A mau ka eulu                                     Haul branches and all           
           E huki e                                               Haul now

           Kulia                                                    Stand up