Jericho Sailing Centre Association’s Strategic Long Term Plan Setting the Course for 2035

The Jericho Sailing Centre Association’s Board of Directors is currently developing a 15+ year strategic plan (2018-2035) that we believe will greatly enhance the facility, services, programs, and overall user experience for our members, guests, and essential community partners. As responsible stewards of this exceptional facility, we want to ensure we actively anticipate real growth, potential shortfalls, and evolving needs. As such, we’ve identified what we believe are some key initiatives most important to the interests of Jericho Sailing Centre’s populous and diverse user base. The details of our vision, plan and key initiatives are outlined in the linked document:  

To better serve your needs, we need your input. Participate in the Jericho Sailing Centre User Survey June 27-August 31.
Please make your opinion count by participating in our user survey