Jericho Swim Beach Fails Water Quality Test – Locarno Beach Passes

Location of contrary water tests and their proximity to the Jericho Sailing Centre – this week we’d like to identify ourselves more closely to Locarno Beach, however, no plans to change name to the Locarno Sailing Centre

For the first time in more than 30 years the Jericho Beach swim area has been closed to swimming due to an unacceptable level of E.coli Bacterial. Vancouver Coastal Health has warned that primary contact activities including: swimming, surfing, waterskiing: in which the whole body or face and trunk are frequently immersed or wetted can increase exposure to E.coli bacteria.

The Jericho Sailing Centre Association recommends users take precautions including avoidance of the swim beach area to the east of the Jericho Sailing Centre (Jerry’s Cove); and showering immediately after primary contact activities.
To learn more about water quality testing at Vancouver swim beaches, stroke & scissor kick over to:
VCH Beach Water Testing