2019 JSCA Fees – Renew Early for a 2% Discount Online renewal payment option now available
Email invoices for 2019 JSCA Membership and Storage fees will be sent out today and tomorrow. (members who opted for regular mail should receive theirs within the next few days). The invoices are not due until April 1, however, you will receive a 2% discount if you pay before February 28, 2019.
For your convenience renewals can be made online via Visa, MasterCard or Apple Pay. If you haven’t received your email invoice please contact the office asap.
If you are not planning to renew with us in 2019 please notify the office when you vacate (prior to March 31) so that we may assign your space to another member.
If you sell your craft and wish to transfer your space to the new owner you must inform the office in writing.