This weekend @ Jericho Andy Hunt Celebrational Regatta – May 18-19

 This weekend we celebrate the life of an inspirational volunteer and racer. Andy Hunt was an avid Laser racer with a remarkable volunteer spirit which he shared generously with the sailing communities of the Jericho Sailing Centre, Kitsilano Yacht Club, Hollyburn Sailing Club and elsewhere. Andy was the Jericho Sailing Centre Association’s Programs Chair for almost 25 years and helped organize and conduct dozens of regattas here in that time, often sacrificing his own racing opportunities to officiate racing for others. To celebrate Andy’s life, his volunteer spirit and his passion for sail racing we are welcoming everyone to the Andy Hunt Celebrational Regatta on May 18-19.  

Saturday’s program will have 3 components: 1.) racing 1300H-1630H; 2.) dinner 1730H (included with regatta registration; extra tix $15; and, 3.) 1800-2000H an informal celebration of Andy’s life including a slideshow and open mic for anyone who would like to share their memories of Andy. Regatta registration includes dinner and extra tickets will be available to anyone not registered in the regatta for $15. The celebration is open to anyone who knew Andy and would like to attend.  
Sunday’s program will have 2 components: 1.) an on water, 8 bells type ceremony, off of our race committee boat Albatross (also known as “Andy’s office”) at 1000H; and, 2.) racing 1100H-1500H.

We are honoured to have some of Andy’s family members with us for this very special event.
For more information on the Andy Hunt Celebrational Regatta, laser over to the