In the wind: June 30, 2021

Jericho Sailing CentreCovid-19 Safety Protocols Update – Restart Step 3

Here are the latest updates to the Jericho Sailing Centre Covid-19 Safety Protocols which will go into effect on July 1, Canada Day:

  • Sailor’s Lounge Lounge and roof top deck reopened to members.
  • Mask use will continue to be mandatory in the building for the time being. The Public Health Order “recommended” mask use indoors, especially for those who are not fully vaccinated (2 weeks past the date of their second dose). We assume most of our users are not currently fully vaccinated so their recommendation is our reality.
  • Masks continue to be optional in the compound.
  • Indoor washroom capacity limits removed.
  • Gates 1, 2 and the South gate will be open for the public (no more contact tracing required). Gate 4 Windsure customer flow and Gate 5 Jericho Beach Kayak customer flow retained. Gate 3 still controlled member access only. East gate still controlled.
  • Other than the Burrard room, all rooms in the Jericho Sailing Centre building are back to their original capacities.
  • Continuing to promote one-way travel in the building.
  • Member service window barrier and office configuration will be retained. Indoor mask use by staff retained. Outdoor mask use by staff optional.
  • Indoor shower and change room usage under consideration. Will remain closed for the time being awaiting Park Board lead on issue.
  • Continue to be kind to each other and give each other generous personal space.

We anticipate further changes, tweaking and tuning, as we move through the summer. Thank you for being considerate of others.

Thursday is Canada Day, eh!

What better way to celebrate your Canada Day weekend than salt water sessions at the Jericho Sailing Centre, eh?

Jericho Wavechaser Paddle Races Canada Day Edition

The fun never ends, especially on Canada Day! Some people think you should be having a BBQ or cruising the highway, but we all know that the best way to spend the evening of July 1st is to paddle the Jericho Wavechaser!Registration is open here:

Welcome to the 2021 Wavechaser race series! Races will be held on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. We are limited to 50 participants but there is a wait list so even if we are full, put your name down and we will fit you in if someone is a no-show. Check out the web page here: http://wavechaser.jsca.bc.caEntry for JSCA Members is $5 and non-members pay $10. Registration closes at 5:00 PM on race day. There is no on-site registration, but you will have to check in to assign a boat number. There is a short course ~ 5km and a long course ~8km. There will be three start waves; 1 – surfskis, 2 – OC, 3 – SUP and sea kayak.

The check-in table is on the beach with flags to make it easy to locate. Draw prizes will be selected before the race and will be in bags on the table. Please wear a mask until you are in your boat on the water. That is still a requirement in the compound and it is not an onerous task any more. Looking forward to seeing you!

Send Us Your Jericho Photos

We are always on the lookout for photos of activities in and around the Jericho Sailing Centre to share in our newsletter.

Thanks to Jericho Paddling Club for providing this photo of their member Jan modelling the latest in Jericho summer heat wave fashions
Tegan goes downtown single-handing 3 sails with just 2 hands

Many Thanks to the Great Volunteers of our Gatekeeper Ambassador Program

Although the rules are changing, we still need you. Please continue to volunteer by signing up on TeamApp.

Jericho Sailing Centre has the Best Patio in Vancouver

The Galley Patio & Grill hours of operation for July are Mon-Fri 1130-2100H; Sat-Sun 1100-2100H weather permitting
The Galley is transitioning to adapt to the new Public Health Order effective July 1.
The Best Nachos in Town are Back!

Jericho Clubs: Why own just 1 boat when you can access a Fleet of boats?

A great way to enjoy recreational ocean access on Vancouver’s largest playground is to join one of the community based clubs based out of the Jericho Sailing Centre. These low cost, not for profit, volunteer driven organizations provide a wide variety of boat access and training programs for dinghy sailing, paddling, windsurfing, SUP and rowing programs as well as social opportunities. Clubs looking for new crew include:
ClubLocarno –
UBC Sailing Club-
Viking Sailing Club –
Jericho Paddling Club-
Discovery Sailing Club –
Companionway Sailing Club –
Salish Sea Coastal Rowing Club –
Sea Dragon Sea Scouts –
Adaptive Sailing Association of BC-

The Disabled Sailing Association of BC has changed their name to the Adaptive Sailing Association of BC

For more info. on all JSCA Affiliated Clubs surf over to

Jericho Schools in Session

JSCA partner schools are open for the season. For program information cruise their websites:
Windsure Adventure Watersports – Windsurfing, Stand Up Paddling, Skimboards
MacSailing – Dinghy Sailing and Canoeing
Jericho Beach Kayak Centre – Kayaking and Surf Skiing

“J” Buoy Marks Safe Passage Past the Jericho Pier

The Jericho Pier is the only place in Vancouver where people without boats can get out over the water to fish or crab. It’s a very finite space which does not move and boaters have a whole ocean of opportunity to navigate around the casting zone.In order to avoid unpleasant interactions with fishers on the Jericho Pier we have positioned a white striped orange can buoy just out of (wind assisted) crab trap throwing range off the NE corner of the pier. We recommend that users of the Jericho Sailing Centre not pass between the Jericho Pier and “J” Buoy.

Jericho Sail Racing

Sunday Racing – Sundays through Sept. 5First start 1230H
Tuesday Nite Racing – Tuesdays through Sept.7First start 1815H

Rules changes and reminders for sail racers
Sail racers should note that a new set of the Racing Rules of Sailing came into effect January 1st 2021. Of note is the ability of the race committee to score competitors as NSC (did Not Sail the Course) without a protest and hearing if they witness you not sailing the course properly. As of last year we generally sail with an open start line but a closed finish line. If the race committee witnesses you sailing through the finish line when not finishing you will be scored NSC.Another change is that Start and finish now occur when any part of the hull is over the line; the boat’s crew and equipment were removed from the definition. A reminder that in the standard Jericho Sailing Instructions, we are now putting fleets who have been recalled to the back of the starting order so that other fleets may continue to race on schedule. A good overview of the new rule changes is available here: The standard JSCA sailing instructions that apply to Sunday and Tuesday racing are available on our event pages:

Online registration for sailing events

Although there is currently no limit on the number of people allowed to race at Jericho, online registration is still required. There have been changes to the online registration program (available at The most important are:
Temporary sail numbers. If you don’t know your sail number when your register (e.g. if you sail a co-op boat), check “Enter sail number later.”You will be given a temporary sail number, such as “Laser 1”. If you haven’t entered your real sail number before you race, you may be asked to sail past the committee boat and call out this number, so they can check that you are registered.After you’ve raced, go to the results. The sail number you raced with will be there. Click the “Register” button beside this sail number and enter your name (and your crew’s name for a two person boat). If you registered online (as required), this will complete your registration.
Temporary crew names. If you sail a two person boat (Tasar or F18) you may not know who your crew will be when you register. Check “Select or enter a name later” and you will be able to register.If you haven’t registered your crew before you race, you can go to the results, click “Register”, and add your crew’s name.
Updating your registration. As well using “Register” in the results, you can update your sail number or crew name using the Online registration program at any time, before or after racing.

Please let me or Dominique Labrosse know if you have problems, and I will do my best to resolve them.
Richard Spencer (

Online registration for sailing events: an update

The limit on the number of competitors for Sunday and Tuesday racing has been removed, but please continue to register online before each event. Letting other people know you will be racing encourages them to come out and join in, and helps build your fleet. Now, if you haven’t registered online before an event, you can register by clicking the “Register” button in the results. If your name isn’t in the results, please click the button, register, and make sure your results are included in the Series results.

New Facility: Outdoor HOT Showers

One of the biggest disappointments for Jericho Sailing Centre users last summer was the loss of our hot showers due to Covid restrictions. We don’t know when we might be able to reopen our indoor showers but we have added hot water to the outdoor showers on the west wall of the building to rinse off the salt and warm you up. Give them a shot.

On the Water-Safety is Your Responsibility

On the ocean there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the ocean always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe ocean experience.

It is every member’s responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water. Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.

1. Always wear your P.F.D. on the water.
2. Sail powered craft have the right of way over power craft, paddle and rowing powered craft.
3. All non-commercial vessels shall keep well clear of commercial vessels.
4. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass between a tug and it’s tow.
5. A port tack sailing vessel shall keep clear of a starboard tack vessel.
6. A windward vessel shall keep clear of a leeward vessel.
7. A vessel clear astern shall keep clear of a vessel ahead.
8. Any vessel overtaking another shall keep clear.