In the wind: March 31, 2022
Membership & Storage Fees Due April 1 (Grace Period this weekend)
2022 Jericho Sailing Centre Association Membership and Storage fees are due April 1, 2022. To facilitate last minute member payments, this weekend will be a penalty free grace period. For your convenience, renewals can be made online via Visa, MasterCard, eTransfer or Apple Pay. If you haven’t received your email invoice, please contact the office asap. (604)224-4566 don’t pay late! A late fee of $30 will apply to fees paid between April 4-30; a $60 late fee will be applied to late payments received during the month of May, and after that things go from bad to worse and your ship could end up on the craggy rocks of our annual bailiff auction. If you are planning not to store your craft at the Jericho Sailing Centre this year please ensure that you vacate by this weekend and notify the JSCA office so we may bring boats in from our lengthy waiting list. Member key locks change on April 1. Keys are available to 2022 members for $8.

The Galley Opens April 1
Food and drink on Vancouver’s best patio deck will be available starting April 1st weather permitting. The Galley will be closed Mondays & Tuesdays in April.

Pay Parking in Effect April 1
Pay Parking will be in effect in Jericho Beach Park from April 1 through September 30.Season parking passes are available through EasyPark for $105.
To apply for a parking pass:
- Go to
- Scroll down to Permits and click Get Permits, Log in or Create Account
- Login to your guest account or create one.
- Select Lot 69 Jericho Beach

Penguin Cup This Sunday April 3! Schools Open in May
Penguin Cup gets underway this Sunday. As usual first signal is at 1230 hrs. Please remember to register at
Right now Jericho Beach Kayak is running weekly winter paddles on Saturdays 1300-1500 hrs.
Regular on water programs push off in April and reach hull speed by the start of May:
- Penguin Cup sail racing Sunday April 3 and 10
- Flights of Spring Regatta takes place April 16 and 17
- Regular Sunday and Tuesday Night Racing get under way May 1
- Jericho Beach Kayak’s Friday evening Jericho social paddles start May 6 and their Tuesday evening Women on Water (WOW) paddle sessions start May 10.
Rentals and lessons for Mac Sailing, Windsure and Jericho Beach Kayak will be in full swing starting in May. Bookings are open now.
The end of May sees the Jericho Paddling Club host local OC-6 crews for the Jericho Iron Race while June will be an especially busy month with three sailing regattas including the ILCA Canadian Masters Championships June 24-26 (more on that below).
Keep your eye on the events section of our web site at for additions to the schedule and up to date information on all our on water programs.

Jericho Wavechaser Paddle Race Series
Thursdays 1900H Commencing April 14
More information available soon @

FREE Documentary Screening April 20, 1900H @ Jericho Sailing Centre in Honour of Earth Day (which is actually April 22)
The Magnitude of All Things draws intimate parallels between the experiences of grief—both personal and planetary. Stories from the frontlines of climate change merge with recollections from the filmmaker’s childhood on Ontario’s Georgian Bay. What do these stories have in common? The answer, surprisingly, is everything.
For the people featured, climate change is not happening in the distant future: it is kicking down the front door. Battles waged, lamentations of loss, and raw testimony coalesce into an extraordinary tapestry, woven together with raw emotion and staggering beauty that transform darkness into light, grief into action.
For more info. cruise over

Stucco on the East wall is currently being repaired before the entire building exterior gets repainted.
Our office service window has temporarily relocated to the north under the deck where the wind data screen usually sits.
Access to the building through the foyer doors may be limited from time to time as work progresses. The fire door on the south of the building near the parking lot gate will act as the building access point when the large blue foyer doors are inaccessible.

Keeping Our Compound and Our Environment Clean
Part of our newly revised storage policy is dedicated to making sure we are doing what we can to keep our compound and the environment as free from pollution as possible. One major source is the disintegration of tarps which end up sending small shreds of plastic around the compound and likely blown into the ocean by the breeze. Please note the new Environmental Stewardship clause of our revised storage policy:
Environmental Stewardship
a.) All craft and covering materials must be kept in good condition. Any craft, covers or other materials causing pollution due to fraying, disintegrating, flaking etc. must be removed/repaired/replaced at first sign of deterioration.
b.) Members are required to ensure that any cleaners/water soluble solutions used in the compound are non-toxic, 100% biodegradable and not harmful for marine life, water quality and local wildlife.
c.) Any chemicals used for boat repairs including but not limited to: fiberglassing resins and hardeners, Sikaflex, fiberglass, toluene, acetone, paints, varnish etc. are to be removed from J.S.C.A property and disposed of in the appropriate manner off-site.
d.) Any repairs done on craft at J.S.C.A must be done in a way that captures all waste materials during the process.
Next week a disposal bin will be in the compound to help dispose of old tarps and other items that have reached the end of their useful lives. Stay tuned for upcoming compound cleanup initiatives.

Summer Employment Opportunities at Jericho
The Adaptive Sailing Association of BC (formerly DSA) is recruiting qualified sailing instructors
The Galley is hiring students for the upcoming season
Go to for employment opportunities.
The Jericho Sailing Centre Association is looking to fill several temporary positions this spring/summer supporting areas of Safety, Storage, Membership and Maintenance.
Description of potential tasks/duties
- Monitor safe usage of the ramps, beach launch areas, and on-water activity
- Assist with craft, locker & equipment storage
- Assist in maintaining the JSC building, grounds, storage facilities, rescue equipment and first aid room
- Performing daily maintenance, cleaning schedule and room preparation
- Provide courteous customer service to members and the general public
- Perform reception and office duties as required
- May assist with on-water programs and rescues, perform first aid when needed and liaise with Jericho Rescue volunteers and staff as required
- Highly motivated team player
- Strong communication & customer service skills
- Computer proficiency and ability to learn new software
- Enjoy hands on work in a variety of environments (indoors and outdoors)
- Available to work weekends
- Positions are pending approval by Canada Summer Jobs grants. Applicants must be between 15 and 30 years of age at the beginning of the employment period, a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee.
- Small boat experience
- General knowledge in any or all of the types of ocean activities supported by the JSCA: dinghy sailing & racing, windsurfing, SUP, kayak, surfski, outrigger, ocean rowing
- First Aid/CPR Certification, VHF Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) & PCOC
Full Time positions available from April 25 to Sept 5th, 2022. Renumeration is $19/hr
Please send your resume and cover letter to

Club Sign-up Season
One of the best ways to enjoy recreational ocean access on Vancouver’s largest playground is to join a community based clubs based out of the Jericho Sailing Centre. These low cost, not for profit, volunteer driven organizations provide a wide variety of boat access and training programs for dinghy sailing, paddling, windsurfing, SUP and rowing programs as well as social opportunities. Clubs looking for new crew include:
ClubLocarno –
UBC Sailing Club –
Viking Sailing Club –
Jericho Paddling Club –
Discovery Sailing Club –
Companionway Sailing Club –
Salish Sea Coastal Rowing Club –
Sea Dragon Sea Scouts –
For more information on all JSCA Affiliated Clubs surf over to
Indoor showers, changerooms and Sailor’s Lounge now available to fully vaccinated members
The Sailor’s Lounge, indoor showers and changing facilities are now available to fully vaccinated JSCA members. Show your BC Vaccine Card or equivalent at the JSCA office and your member card will be updated for ongoing access. For the time being our outdoor shower on the South East corner of the building is available, however, the showers on the west wall of the building are not active.

2022 ILCA (Laser) Canadian Masters Championships at Jericho June 24-26
The local ILCA fleet along with the JSCA is proud to host the 2022 ILCA (International Laser Class Association) Canadian Masters Championships here at the Jericho Sailing Centre.
This event is available to all ILCA sailors 30 years of age and older as of June 24. As this is a masters event there are the following age categories:
30-44 Apprentice
45-54 Master
55-64 Grand Master
65-74 Great Grand Master
75+ Legend
Scoring considerations are made for older sailors to even out the competition. This is a three day event with on water judging, a BBQ included for all sailors and volunteers on the Saturday evening, prizes for the top sailors and draw prizes for all participants and volunteers.
Our regatta co-chairs Bob Ennenberg, Tony Martin and Tim Murphy have been busily working behind the scenes to create a fun regatta for all involved. We will however, need the Jericho community to help make this event a success. If you are interested in helping out feel free to reach out by email to To find out more click here.

Flare Disposal Opportunity May 14th
Many of you who carry flares on your vessel know that disposing of stale dated flares can be a frustrating chore. Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS) has partnered with CIL to help address this issue. CPS will be collecting old flares free of charge at Steveston Marine and Hardware (at both Richmond and Kits locations) Saturday May 14th. CPS will then organize and box them up properly for disposal by CIL.

Cold Water Recreation
Appropriate Attire – Dress for Cold Water Immersion
The water temperature is now well below the level where it is safe to recreate without proper cold water attire: wetsuit, drysuit, etc. People who get into serious trouble at this time of year have often made the mistake of dressing for the air temperature not the water temperature, which might be OK until something goes wrong and they suddenly find themselves unexpectedly immersed in cold water.
Always Stay with Your Craft
When a sailing dinghy, windsurfer or kayak capsizes they are usually within a couple of swim strokes of their crew. Some craft, particularly SUP’s and surf skis, require a safety leash (in good condition and properly attached) as they can easily get away in a capsize situation. Never leave your craft in an emergency situation as it is far easier to spot from a distance than a person in the water.
Use the Buddy System
Always sail, paddle, row with someone else, especially in cold water conditions. Let a reliable friend or relative know when and where you are going and when you expect to return. Diligently contact them upon your safe return.
Off Season Launch Log
Please use the Jericho Sailing Centre facilities at this time of year at your own discretion. All users understand that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety. In addition to letting a friend or family member know of your safety float plan you can check in at the JSCA office to register in our off Season Launch Log. The JSCA assumes no risk or liability for your safety on the water.
Be Aware of Sunset
Make sure your safety float plan includes plenty of time to get off of the water before sunset. If something goes wrong for you: equipment failure; changing conditions; fatigue, etc., you are very difficult to find in the dark.
Here is a link to one of our favourite cold water education sites:

Jericho Sailing Centre Current Covid-19 Safety Protocols
The Jericho Sailing Centre Association is committed to fighting the spread of Covid-19.
Here are the current Jericho Sailing Centre Covid-19 Safety Protocols:
As of March 11 mask use will be optional in the building and the compound. Please bring your own mask. Disposable masks available for purchase in the JSCA Office.
- Continue to be kind to each other and give each other generous personal space.
- Roof top deck open to members.
- Sailor’s Lounge open to vaccinated members.
- Indoor shower and change rooms available to vaccinated members.
- Present your BC Vaccine Card or equivalent documentation at the JSCA office for access to the showers and the Sailors’ Lounge.
- Indoor capacity limits removed. All rooms in the Jericho Sailing Centre building are back to their original capacities.
- Member service window barrier and office configuration retained.
We anticipate further changes, tweaking and tuning, as we approach the summer boating season. Thank you for being considerate of others.

On the Water-Safety is Your Responsibility
On the ocean there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the ocean always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe ocean experience. It is every member’s responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water. Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.
1. Always wear your P.F.D. on the water.
2. Sail powered craft have the right of way over power craft, paddle and rowing powered craft.
3. All non-commercial vessels shall keep well clear of commercial vessels.
4. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass between a tug and it’s tow.
5. A port tack sailing vessel shall keep clear of a starboard tack vessel.
6. A windward vessel shall keep clear of a leeward vessel.
7. A vessel clear astern shall keep clear of a vessel ahead.
8. Any vessel overtaking another shall keep clear.
9. A vessel tacking or gybing shall keep clear of a vessel on a tack.
10.The area south of the orange can buoys is for training or transiting only.
11.Swimming or wading on the beach in front of the Centre is prohibited and is particularly dangerous for small children.
12.It is unsafe to loiter or let children play near the bottom of launching ramps.
13. Stay well clear of the end of the Jericho Pier as fishers cast lines as far as possible
14. Be cautious of pathway traffic when launching/retrieving
15. Do not leave your craft on the shoreline for extended periods of time
Common sense goes a long way toward maintaining a safe environment. Membership in the Jericho Sailing Centre Association is contingent on members knowing and observing the Safe Ocean Sailing rules.
For more water safety info., tread water over to: English Bay Safety Seminar.
Jericho Sailing Centre Etiquette
Common sense and consideration of fellow members help make the Jericho Sailing Centre a true community centre with a friendly salt water community atmosphere. Here are a few etiquette reminders to keep things sailing along smoothly:
- Do not leave your craft unattended on the shoreline for extended periods – share the shore.
- RAMPS, and the areas adjacent to launching ramps, are for craft launch/retrieval only. Do not rig, repair or otherwise loiter in this area.
- Do not leave or rig your craft in the rinsing areas adjacent to hosing stations.
- The Jericho Sailing Centre is a SMOKE/VAPE FREE facility. There is No Smoking/Vaping permitted in any Vancouver Park or beach area.
- Give pathway users the right of way and bear in mind they may be distracted and not aware that you are crossing the pathway with your craft or launch rope.
- Launch dollies are for launching/retrieval only (not for storage) and must be returned to the fence immediately after use.
- If you launch from your own dolly or trailer return it to your storage spot after launching.
- Do not use the winches unless you are familiar with their safe operation. Winch instruction is available from staff or Jericho Rescue Team members. Only members or registered guests may use winches & dollies.
- Only leashed, well behaved, non-barking/whining dogs are allowed in the compound, no dogs are allowed in the building or on the deck. Do not tie dogs to the base of stairwells or in other traffic areas. Do not leave your dog onshore while you are on the water. The City prohibits dogs on beaches. In consideration of other Jericho users please consider leaving your dog at home while visiting the Jericho Sailing Centre.
- Please coil hoses immediately after use and conserve water.
- Do not block aisle ways.
- Rinse racks are for rinsing not drying.
- Swimming is prohibited in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre.