In the wind: July 13, 2022

Hippie Alert!

Vancouver Folk Music Festival Returns

Parking at the Jericho Sailing Centre this weekend will be as rare as deodorant on a hippie. If you don’t dock your land yacht in the usual space before 1300H Friday, or 0900H on Saturday and/or Sunday, you may as well hitchhike a magic carpet ride in a rusty old, eight track equipped, flower child laden, VW van with a groovy paisley paint job and have them drop you off in the vigorously defended Jericho Sailing Centre Loading Zone. The annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival is flip flop flocking its way back to Jericho Beach Park.

Not long after the formation of Jericho Beach Park in the early nineteen seventies the first Vancouver Folk Music Festival here featured full on flower power, love beads, incense and peace: it was a celebration of freedom, political activism, and a love revolution fueled by cannabis, marked by random sporadic bare foot dancing, hoola hoops, arts & crafts and, oh yeah, music- a mountain filled ocean vista of mind melding mystical music to back up all that free speech in a magical Vancouver “Summer of Love”-it was a major “Be In”. If you visit this year’s Vancouver Folk Music Festival you’ll notice, not much has changed.

If the wind blows from the west, other than the “up tight” parking situation, Jericho Sailing Centre users won’t notice anything unusual this weekend except for some interesting retro hippie fashions and a few more strangers than usual bathing in our washroom basins and drinking water out of our hoses. If the wind blows out of the east it will carry a potpourri of disjointed sound permeating from 5 stages of bongo laced alternative music and the accompanying supporting aromas to sustain your psychedelic, transcendental, paddling, sailing, rowing or windsurfing weekend.

In a public park nobody, including the JSCA, gets reserved parking. The only thing we are able to do is make our users aware, advise them to arrive early or use alternative methods of transportation and have vehicles which park too long in the Jericho Sailing Centre 20 minute loading zone efficiently serviced by Buster’s “valet parking”. From there, we just have to hang loose and go with the flow.

Non-conformists, alternative lifestylers driving “road less traveled” ideologies, ever more liberal thinkers further pushing social envelopes, surfers on waves of new consciousness – did today’s users of Jericho Beach Park evolve from 1970’s hippies? There’s certainly a good chance this weekends users did, and if you can’t beat ’em, you might as well join ’em. What could be so bad about a little more peace, love and happiness in your world?

For info. on the 2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival trip over

Join a Jericho Sailing Centre Club

Photo: Jim Davie

One of the best ways to enjoy recreational ocean access on Vancouver’s largest playground is to join a community based club based out of the Jericho Sailing Centre. These low cost, not for profit, volunteer driven organizations provide a wide variety of boat access and training programs for dinghy sailing, paddling, windsurfing, SUP and rowing programs as well as social opportunities. Clubs looking for new crew include:
ClubLocarno – rowing lessons are open to the public. Windsurfing, sailing, kayaking and rowing lessons are open to their members.
UBC Sailing Club –
Viking Sailing Club –
Jericho Paddling Club –
Discovery Sailing Club –
Companionway Sailing Club –
Salish Sea Coastal Rowing Club –
Sea Dragon Sea Scouts –
For more information on all JSCA affiliated clubs surf over to

Summer Schools in Session

Mac SailingWindsure and Jericho Beach Kayak youth camps are now in session; book early, don’t miss the boat!
Windsure offers stand-up paddling, skimboarding and windsurfing lessons and rentals.
Mac Sailing offers sailing and canoeing lessons and rentals.
Jericho Beach Kayak offers kayak and surfski lessons and rentals. They also host Friday evening Jericho social paddles and Tuesday evening Women on Water (WOW) paddle sessions.
Open Water Rowing Lessons available to the public through ClubLocarno

Outrigger Canoes by Allwave Canoe and surfskis from both Think Kayak Globaland Epic Kayaks & Paddles will be at hand to demo on Saturday July 23, between 10am-2pm at Jericho Beach Kayak Centre! This is your chance to find out if your dream OC or Surfski is the right fit for you! Coast Outdoors will be at hand to help with any questions you may have.The best part: It’s Free!!!Surf over to the link below to sign up: DemoDay @ Jericho

Regular Sunday and Tuesday Nite Racing

Photo: Jim Davie

All members and registered guests are welcome to join Jericho Sailing Centre’s weekly sail race programs. Please remember to register at

Photo: Jim Davie

Andy Hunt Regatta July 23 &/or 24

Andy Hunt was an avid Laser racer with a remarkable volunteer spirit which he shared generously with the sailing communities of the Jericho Sailing Centre, Kitsilano Yacht Club, Hollyburn Sailing Club and elsewhere. Andy was the Jericho Sailing Centre Association’s Programs Chair for almost 25 years and helped organize and conduct dozens of regattas here in that time, often sacrificing his own racing opportunities to officiate racing for others.

In honour of Andy’s volunteer spirit and his passion for sail racing we welcome everyone to the Andy Hunt Regatta on July 23 and/or 24. This is a one day or two day regatta and all Jericho sailing classes are welcome. As Andy would have had it, this is all about the racing, there is no dinner, no trophies; it is FREE to JSCA members and guests are welcome as long as they pay the Jericho Sailing Centre’s $5/day Launch Fee. Racing for each day will follow our regular Sunday Racing format. Register at

English Bay Safety Seminar

August 8 @ 19:00

The English Bay Safety Seminar was developed for users of the Jericho Sailing Centre to help keep them safe at play while on the waters of English Bay. The seminar covers basic water safety fundamentals along with user specific information drawn from the logs of the Jericho Rescue Team who have intervened in thousands of “sea disasters” over the past 45+ years. Why make your own mistakes when you can learn from the mistakes of others? Don’t challenge Darwin’s theory, make sure your water safety knowledge is the fittest it can be. Your survival may well depend upon it. Find the missing links and fill in the gaps in your water safety knowledge by attending a FREE English Bay Safety Seminar. RSVP by email to book your spot
Slideshow Available on our Website

There be Dragons here!: Find out where not to go in Vancouver Harbour

A Message From Transport Canada Office of Boating Safety

Operating a Human Powered Craft

SOS: Future of Jericho Pier Unclear!

Determined fishers step perilously over the log jamb loosely piled on the Jericho Pier July 6, 2022. Although it is officially closed, fishers take this risky trip every day as they have no where else to go in Vancouver to participate in the number 1 recreational activity in the world.

Renewing the Jericho Pier is not identified as a priority project in the proposed 2023-2026 capital plan.” 

from the June 27, 2022 Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation meeting report on the 2023-2026 Capital Plan.

We are still waiting to hear back from the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation about plans for reopening the Jericho Pier which was severely damaged in the January 7, 2022 storm. We’ll keep readers updated in future newsletters.

Launch Dolly Etiquette

Yellow launch dollies are for Jericho Sailing Centre community use-please be considerate of others by not leaving them on the beach. They must be returned to the inside of the fence immediately after launching. They are for launching and retrieval only-please do not leave your boat on them. Private dollies should not block access between the ramps and the beach or the beach pathway.

A Reminder to All Users

The Jericho Sailing Centre is a Non-motor Powered Recreational Facility – No Recreational Motors Permitted, including electrics. Strictly enforced.


New from The Galley

THE GALLEY HAPPY HOUR! Available from weekdays 3:30-5
Spicy curly fries $8
Bruschetta 2 pieces-Vine ripened tomato, topped with parmesan-Olive tapenade, topped with feta crema $10
Prawns diablo 3 pan seared tiger prawns, with grilled bread$10
Craft beer flight 4 glasses, each 5oz

Jericho Wavechaser Paddle Race Series Thursdays @ 1900H

Paddle racing every Thursday evening to the end of August open to all level of paddlers in outrigger, SUP, surfski, prone, and kayak. Courses vary depending on conditions. Each race night has a short and a long course. Check-in starts at 6 pm, race starts at 7 pm.Race fees are $5 for Jericho Sailing Centre members and $10 for non-members.

Bailiff Auction Saturday, July 23 @ Noon

Legal notice has been served to 15 former JSCA members that their craft have been seized for auction under the BC Warehouse Lien Act. We expect some will pay their outstanding fees by then. We will post full details and a photo of each craft still heading to the auction in the July 20 newsletter.

NO SWIMMING in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre

The beach area immediately north of the Jericho Sailing Centre is Vancouver’s only public beach designated for the launch of small, naturally powered craft: sailing dinghies, SUPs, rowboats, windsurfers, canoes, kayaks, etc., and swimming is strictly prohibited.

Vancouver has some great swimming beaches, however, the stretch of Jericho Beach in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre is NOT one of them.

The danger for swimmers in this area is the extreme amount of small boat traffic including many craft skippered by beginners and novices. It’s all good fun until someone gets a Hobie in the head. Many years ago a woman standing waist deep in this area had her leg broken by an out of control boat. Excellent, lifeguarded swim beaches are located to the west at Locarno Beach (with waters warmed by the sands of Spanish Bank) or to the east at the Jericho Beach swim area.

If you see someone swimming in this area please let them know (the area is well signed) or inform the JSCA office or a Jericho Rescue Team member.

Keeping Our Compound and Our Environment Clean


Is your boat tarp in good condition? Fraying tarps contribute much of the plastic pollution in our compound and is now in violation of our newly revised storage policy.

Part of our newly revised storage policy is dedicated to making sure we are doing what we can to keep our compound and the environment as free from pollution as possible. One major source is the disintegration of tarps which end up sending small shreds of plastic around the compound and likely blown into the ocean by the breeze. Please note the new Environmental Stewardship clause of our revised storage policy:

Environmental Stewardship Policy
a.) All craft and covering materials must be kept in good condition. Any craft, covers or other materials causing pollution due to fraying, disintegrating, flaking etc. must be removed/repaired/replaced at first sign of deterioration.
b.) Members are required to ensure that any cleaners/water soluble solutions used in the compound are non-toxic, 100% biodegradable and not harmful for marine life, water quality and local wildlife.
c.) Any chemicals used for boat repairs including but not limited to: fiberglassing resins and hardeners, Sikaflex, fiberglass, toluene, acetone, paints, varnish etc. are to be removed from J.S.C.A property and disposed of in the appropriate manner off-site.
d.) Any repairs done on craft at J.S.C.A must be done in a way that captures all waste materials during the process.

Jericho Sailing CentreCurrent Covid-19 Safety Protocols

Covid Hasn’t Left Us – If you are feeling sick please stay home!

The Jericho Sailing Centre Association is committed to fighting the spread of Covid-19.

Don’t Feed the Rabbits

Vancouver Park Board Notice

Feral rabbits populate the grassy areas around Jericho Beach. Drawn by their fluffy tails, twitching noses, and relative tameness, people often try to handle and feed them. But these interactions poise serious health threats to both the animals and public, and have negative knock on effects to the environment.

Invasive species 
Jericho Beach’s feral rabbit population is an invasive species colony, originating from domestic pets that have either been purposefully released into the wild, or escaped. 
Invasive species can out-compete native species for food and space, damage ecosystems, disrupt food sources, and introduce parasites and disease. They are the second greatest threat to biodiversity following habitat loss.

Don’t release
Bunnies are sadly often abandoned in parkland. Not only does this contribute to the negative impacts of feral rabbits in the park but it leaves domestic animals frightened, malnourished and vulnerable to a huge range of harmful consequences including traffic accidents, predators, and disease. 

Don’t touch
Touching or trying to pick up wild animals is distressing for them, and can put people at risk of being bitten or scratched. More seriously, rabbits carry pests and parasites such as ticks, which can transmit deadly diseases to humans and dogs such as Lyme Disease.

Don’t feed
Wildlife feeding is prohibited across all Vancouver parks and beaches, and can incur a fine of up to $500. Not only is feeding feral rabbits unhealthy for them, when they gather around feeding areas, they become more vulnerable to predators and spreading disease. Food left out for rabbits attracts mice and rats which can lead to infestations and further opportunities for spreading diseases like Hantavirus. 

Give wildlife space
The best thing you can do for any wild animal is give it space, and observe from afar. If you have a dog, keep it under control, on leash, and away from wildlife.  

As education and signage rolls out to remind the public how to peacefully co-exist, the we’ll continue to work closely with wildlife experts, the BC SPCA and the Invasive Species Council of BC, on long-term research and monitoring of rabbit populations and their impact on Vancouver park ecosystems.
Coexisting and protecting Vancouver’s wildlife relies on all of us doing our part to ensure both animals and people can enjoy our greenspaces without negatively interacting with one another.

On the Water-Safety is Your Responsibility

On the ocean there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the ocean always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe ocean experience. It is every member’s responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water. Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.

1. Always wear your P.F.D. on the water.
2. Sail powered craft have the right of way over power craft, paddle and rowing powered craft.
3. All non-commercial vessels shall keep well clear of commercial vessels.
4. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass between a tug and it’s tow.
5. A port tack sailing vessel shall keep clear of a starboard tack vessel.
6. A windward vessel shall keep clear of a leeward vessel.
7. A vessel clear astern shall keep clear of a vessel ahead.
8. Any vessel overtaking another shall keep clear.
9. A vessel tacking or gybing shall keep clear of a vessel on a tack.
10.The area south of the orange can buoys is for training or transiting only.
11.Swimming or wading on the beach in front of the Centre is prohibited and is particularly dangerous for small children.
12.It is unsafe to loiter or let children play near the bottom of launching ramps.
13. Stay well clear of the end of the Jericho Pier as fishers cast lines as far as possible
14. Be cautious of pathway traffic when launching/retrieving
15. Do not leave your craft on the shoreline for extended periods of time

Common sense goes a long way toward maintaining a safe environment. Membership in the Jericho Sailing Centre Association is contingent on members knowing and observing the Safe Ocean Sailing rules.
For more water safety info., tread water over to: English Bay Safety Seminar.

Jericho Sailing Centre Etiquette

Common sense and consideration of fellow members help make the Jericho Sailing Centre a true community centre with a friendly salt water community atmosphere. Here are a few etiquette reminders to keep things sailing along smoothly:

  • Do not leave your craft unattended on the shoreline for extended periods – share the shore.                    
  • RAMPS, and the areas adjacent to launching ramps, are for craft launch/retrieval only. Do not rig, repair or otherwise loiter in this area.
  • Do not leave or rig your craft in the rinsing areas adjacent to hosing stations. 
  • The Jericho Sailing Centre is a SMOKE/VAPE FREE facility. There is No Smoking/Vaping permitted in any Vancouver Park or beach area.
  • Give pathway users the right of way and bear in mind they may be distracted and not aware that you are crossing the pathway with your craft or launch rope.
  • Launch dollies are for launching/retrieval only (not for storage) and must be returned to the fence immediately after use.
  • If you launch from your own dolly or trailer return it to your storage spot after launching.
  • Do not use the winches unless you are familiar with their safe operation. Winch instruction is available from staff or Jericho Rescue Team members. Only members or registered guests may use winches & dollies.
  • Only leashed, well behaved, non-barking/whining dogs are allowed in the compound, no dogs are allowed in the building or on the deck. Do not tie dogs to the base of stairwells or in other traffic areas. Do not leave your dog onshore while you are on the water. The City prohibits dogs on beaches. In consideration of other Jericho users please consider leaving your dog at home while visiting the Jericho Sailing Centre.
  • Please coil hoses immediately after use and conserve water.
  • Do not block aisle ways.
  • Rinse racks are for rinsing not drying.
  • Swimming is prohibited in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre.

Pay Parking in Effect

Pay Parking is in effect in Jericho Beach Park from April 1 through September 30.Season parking passes are available through EasyPark for $105.
To apply for a parking pass:

Go to

  • Scroll down to Permits and click Get PermitsLog in or Create Account
  • Login to your guest account or create one.
  • Select Lot 69 Jericho Beach