In the wind: June 26, 2024
2024 ILCA Canadian Masters Championships

Our local International Laser Class Association (ILCA) fleet along with the JSCA is proud to host the 2024 ILCA Canadian Masters Championships. The event is available to all ILCA sailors 30 years of age and older. Come on down to Jericho to see world class sailors compete in a world class venue.
For more information, tack over to: ILCA Canadian Masters Championships

Weather Resistant Recreation for Canada Day Long Weekend, eh!

The weather forecast is not looking too brilliant but what better way to celebrate Canada & Canadianism than a weather resistant ocean odyssey launched from the Jericho Sailing Centre, eh?
RAVEN Festivals Afloat Fundraising Concert in Jerry’s Cove Sunday, June 30 @ 1900H

July Events @ Jericho
Foiling/Slalom Saturday July 6
Rookie Racing Seminar July 6
English Bay Safety Seminar July 8
Andy Hunt Celebrational Regatta July 13 & 14
Check out our full calendar of events
English Bay Safety Seminar, Online-always, In person July 8 @ 1900H

Be Boaty McBoatSafe…
Users of the Jericho Sailing Centre share Vancouver’s largest playground with Canada’s busiest port and are required to know and exercise the “rules of the road” while recreating in this area. Users should be aware of shipping lanes, ships transiting between the lanes and anchorages, and Traffic Control Zones. All non-commercial vessels shall stay well clear of commercial vessels including ships at anchor.
The English Bay Safety Seminar was developed for users of the Jericho Sailing Centre to help keep them safe while at play on the waters of English Bay. The seminar covers basic water safety fundamentals along with user specific information drawn from the logs of the Jericho Rescue Team who have intervened in thousands of “sea disasters” over the past 49+ years.
Why make your own mistakes when you can learn from the mistakes of others? Don’t challenge Darwin’s theory, make sure your water safety knowledge is the fittest it can be. Your survival may well depend upon it. Find the missing links and fill in the gaps in your water safety knowledge.
Sail the Slideshow on our Website
Use of Galley Patio/Rooftop for Mast Rigging Strictly Prohibited
Use of the Galley Patio, staircase or rooftop for rigging/tweaking your mast halyards, shrouds, lines, floats, etc. is strictly prohibited. To gain the advantage of height &/or gravity we suggest the east sides of Ramp # 2 or #3 as potential options.
Weekly Racing Events @ Jericho

Jericho Wavechaser Paddle Race Series
Thursdays 1900H
Sunday Racing
every non-regatta Sunday at 1230H through September 1
Tuesday Night Racing
every Tuesday at 1815H through September 3
Please remember to register for sail events at
Full 2024 JSCA Event Schedule & info: Jericho Events
Upcoming Low Water Levels (<4′) of concern

Date: Time: Height (ft):
Wed Jun 26 1525H 2.5′
Mon Jul 1 0852H 3.6′
Tue Jul 2 0939H 2.5′
Wed Jul 3 1025H 1.9′
Foiler Alert!
Foiling Craft at Jericho can draw more than 1m (3.3′) of water when they are not foiling and we recommend launching between Ramps 2 & 3.
Jericho Club Partners Sign-up Season

One of the best ways to enjoy recreational ocean access on Vancouver’s largest playground is to join one of the community based clubs based out of the Jericho Sailing Centre. These low cost, not for profit, volunteer driven organizations provide a wide variety of boat access and training programs for dinghy sailing, paddling, windsurfing, SUP and rowing programs as well as social opportunities.
For more information on all JSCA Affiliated Clubs surf over to Clubs @ Jericho
Jericho School Partners

Jericho Sailing Centre’s school partners are registering future mariners now. Surf over to their websites for more information:
Jericho Beach Kayak Centre
Kayaking and Surf Ski lesson, rental and pass programs, JBK.
Kayak Summer Camp registration is now open.
Calling all mini-adventurers! Summer is right around the corner and our kayaks are geared up for a season of FUN, laughter, and watery wonders! Jericho Beach Kayak offers kayaking summer camps for kids 7-10 and 10-14 years old. There are half-day and full-day camp options available. If you love the ocean your kid probably does too. Give them the best camp of their summer and register them now:
Windsure Adventure Watersports
Windsurfing, SUP and skimboarding lesson, rental and pass programs

Register now for summer camps at Windsure Adventure Watersports! There are full and half-day program options for paddleboarding, skimboarding and windsurfing activities for youth aged 7-15. You can view all available dates and times here
Dinghy Sailing and Canoe lesson, rental and pass programs;
Galley Patio and Grill

Open 7 days a week
Weekdays 1100H-2200H
Saturdays 1000H-2200H
Sundays 1000H-2100H
Wasp Warning!

Add wasp nests to your pre-launch boat check. Wasps are back, unseasonably early, and are building their nests amongst the boats stored at the Jericho Sailing Centre. A member once reported sailing out in the middle of English Bay wondering how all these wasps suddenly appeared out here, shortly before realizing they were coming from a nest inside his boat. Be alert for wasp activity while you are rigging and doing your pre-launch check. Please notify the office if you encounter them.
Jericho Pier Repair Update

Last week the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation provided an update on the status of the Jericho Pier. In September 2023, The Board approved a like-for-like restoration of the Jericho Pier which was severely damaged by winter storms in 2021 and 2022 and has been closed since then.
Construction is targeted to commence in early 2025. The exact construction start date and construction sequencing are contingent upon the timing of Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) permit issuance, fisheries least-risk construction windows, and market lead times for the specialized treated timber products used in the repair. Construction is expected to be complete by Q4 2025 or sooner.
Jericho FIVE-0, 50th Anniversary Art Contest

In November of 2024 the Jericho Sailing Centre Association will mark its 50th anniversary. This will begin a year long celebration of the Jericho Sailing Centre and its past, present and future. We are looking for a piece of artwork created by one or more members of our community to anchor the 50th Anniversary programme. This artwork will potentially appear on posters, online, on signage, clothing, promotional items and on commemorative pieces like a sail and/or paddle. We want it to be positive, casual, approachable, upbeat, and ideally tap into the emotions that users of the centre experience while recreating here. We are encouraging artists of all walks of life to submit their art for consideration. The submission deadline is July 31st, more information about the contest is here.
JSCA 50th Art Contest Creative Brief
Jericho Compound Notes
Environment Stewardship VS Foam Blocks
Almost 20 years ago, as the West Nile Virus was migrating across Canada to BC, the JSCA amended our storage policy to remove tires from the Jericho Sailing Centre compound which people were using to store boats on. They were prime breeding grounds for mosquitos and we thought we’d found a pretty good solution replacing them with recycled foam blocks which were used to grow tree and shrub seedlings and for other landscaping purposes. Two decades later, we’re that much more environmentally evolved and see that these foam blocks break down and deteriorate into tiny foam pebbles which ultimately end up in the ocean for which we all share a great affinity. The JSCA has set a goal to remove all foam blocks, and portions thereof, from our compound this year.
We’re asking all JSCA craft owners to work together with our staff and volunteer crew to help us achieve this goal. Please provide an environmentally friendly solution that suits your craft (see examples below) and return your styrofoam block to the recycling area beside the east building entrance.

On the Water-Safety is Your Responsibility

On the ocean there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the ocean always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe ocean experience.
It is every member’s responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water. Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.
It is every member’s responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water.
Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.
1. Always wear your P.F.D. on the water. PFD’s MUST be properly fitted.
2. Sail powered craft have the right of way over power craft, paddle and rowing powered craft.
3. All non-commercial vessels shall keep well clear of commercial vessels.
4. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass between a tug and it’s tow.
5. A port tack sailing vessel shall keep clear of a starboard tack vessel.
6. A windward vessel shall keep clear of a leeward vessel.
7. A vessel clear astern shall keep clear of a vessel ahead.
8. Any vessel overtaking another shall keep clear.
9. A vessel tacking or gybing shall keep clear of a vessel on a tack.
10. The area south of the orange can buoys is for training or transiting only.
11. Swimming or wading on the beach in front of the Centre is prohibited and is particularly dangerous for small children.
12. It is unsafe to loiter or let children play near the bottom of launching ramps.
13. Stay well clear of the end of the Jericho Pier as fishers cast lines as far as possible
14. Be cautious of pathway traffic when launching/retrieving
15. Do not leave your craft on the shoreline for extended periods of time
16. Stay at least 300M clear of ships at anchor in Vancouver Harbour.
Common sense goes a long way toward maintaining a safe environment. Membership in the Jericho Sailing Centre Association is contingent on members knowing and observing the Safe Ocean Sailing rules.
For more water safety info., tread water over to: English Bay Safety
Jericho Sailing Centre Etiquette
Common sense and consideration of fellow members help make the Jericho Sailing Centre a true community centre with a friendly salt water community atmosphere. Here are a few etiquette reminders to keep things sailing along smoothly:
- Do not leave your craft unattended on the shoreline for extended periods – share the shore.
- RAMPS, and the areas adjacent to launching ramps, are for craft launch/retrieval only. Do not rig, repair or otherwise loiter in this area.
- Do not leave or rig your craft in the rinsing areas adjacent to hosing stations.
- The Jericho Sailing Centre is a SMOKE/VAPE FREE facility. There is No Smoking/Vaping permitted in any Vancouver Park or beach area.
- Give pathway users the right of way and bear in mind they may be distracted and not aware that you are crossing the pathway with your craft or launch rope.
- Launch dollies are for launching/retrieval only (not for storage) and must be returned to the fence immediately after use.
- If you launch from your own dolly or trailer return it to your storage spot after launching.
- Do not use the winches unless you are familiar with their safe operation. Winch instruction is available from staff or Jericho Rescue Team members. Only members or registered guests may use winches & dollies.
- Only leashed, well behaved, non-barking/whining dogs are allowed in the compound, no dogs are allowed in the building or on the deck. Do not tie dogs to the base of stairwells or in other traffic areas. Do not leave your dog onshore while you are on the water. The City prohibits dogs on beaches. In consideration of other Jericho users please consider leaving your dog at home while visiting the Jericho Sailing Centre.
- Please coil hoses immediately after use and conserve water.
- Do not block aisle ways.
- Rinse racks are for rinsing not drying.
- Swimming is prohibited in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre.