Jericho Rescue Team

The Jericho Rescue Team is based at the Jericho Sailing Centre and is reliant upon on a core group of volunteers to support over 100 events and programs each year.

Windsurfer Rescue

Every year Jericho Rescue volunteers help over 200 mariners in peril.   Beyond on-water support the team also provides a free safety seminar to anyone interested in attending.   This seminar focuses on imparting local knowledge and hazards as well as suggestions and tips based on our years of rescue experience.   The English Bay Safety Seminar is a great way to learn from the mistakes of others.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or attending an English Bay Safety Seminar please contact Mike Cotter (Mike (AT)

Jericho Rescue Resources:

Safe Boating Guide (from Transport Canada tp511e)

Sea Kayaking Safety Guide (from Transport Canada tp1472e)

Survival in Cold Water (from Transport Canada tp13822e)