The series will run every Thursday from May 1st to August 28th off the beaches at the Jericho Sailing Centre. The races are open to all level of paddlers in outrigger, SUP, surfski, prone, sea kayak, canoe, rowing shell. Courses vary depending on conditions, each race night has a short and a long course. Check-in starts at 1800H, race starts at 1900H.
No Registration on Site
Pre-register only at Each week the link to the race registration will be posted on the WaveChaser Facebook page as of midnight (0001 H) on Friday.
Racers Must Check-in On-site Before the Race
Check-in will be set up outside the JSCA compound on the beach between the ramps #2 and #3. When you arrive, you need to check-in, give the race directors your boat/bib number and review the race course. The course map is on a whiteboard hanging on the fence by Gate #3. It is critical for the safety crew to know how many racers are on the water. If you pre-register but don’t check-in, you will not be counted.
Race Fees
Race entry is $5 for Jericho Sailing Centre members and $10 for non-members. You can buy a series pass for the summer and save a few $$! There are 18 races, so the series pass will give you 4 free races plus you only pay the processing fee ($1.40) once, instead of every time you register.
PFD’s and leashes are mandatory
Paddlers racing without these vital pieces of safety gear will get an automatic DSQ. No exceptions.